
28 new Seed Fund projects awarded

February 24, 2025

The Ocean Frontier Institute is pleased to announce the latest round of the Seed Fund program was a big success, with 28 new projects awarded across Dalhousie University, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Université Laval, and Memorial University.

The Seed Fund offers funding for ocean-related projects that offer high potential for innovation success. By catalyzing innovative research and outcomes, the Seed Fund seeks to create opportunities for larger-scale research, policy initiatives, and commercial investments.

We would like to thank our co-funders Invest Nova Scotia and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, who together sponsored six projects for this round of the Seed Fund, as well as our supporting partner DeepSense for the resources they provided to applicants.

The latest Seed Fund projects spanned a range of themes, including:

The projects also spanned across three academic disciplines:

Please see below for a full list of projects awarded:

  • Portable Imaging Cytometer for Autonomous, Low-Cost Monitoring of Microorganisms, Ecosystems, and Water Pollution in Oceans and Lakes
  • Development of Underwater Lidar Applications for Remote Sensing-Based  Assessment of Coastal Ecosystems and Carbon Sequestration Potential
  • Comment la co-création arts-sciences transforme-t-elle le rapport au savoir et à l'action de scientifiques de la mer?
  • Development of a new proxy to quantify past dark carbon fixation by planktonic and benthic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in OMZ settings
  • Sensibilisation, mobilisation et éducation environnementale de la jeune génération togolaise pour lutter contre la pollution plastique
  • Voyages autour de la péninsule gaspésienne (XVIIe-XXIe siècles). Récits d'émergences, de transformations et d'imaginaires
  • Contributing to sustainable fisheries through centennial reconstructions of Northwest Atlantic forage fish stocks
  • Onboard Ship CO2 Mineralization using Ultramafic Rock for Emissions Reduction at Sea
  • Physicochemical Properties of Marine Coatings and Their Drag Reduction Performance on Ocean Going Ships
  • Quantum-enhanced Two-Phase Optimization Framework for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Shipping Routes
  • A Dynamically Positioned Platform for Renewable Energy Applications in Harsh Offshore Environment
  • AI-driven Investigation of a Bioinspired Floating Wind Farm for Northwest Atlantic Deployment
  • Ironing Out the Mechanisms Driving Microbial Iron(III) Reduction in Sugar Kelp
  • High resolution Stable Isotope assessment of Crassostrea virginica: The social and encoded memories of anthropogenically introduced oysters on the island of Newfoundland
  • Circular, eco-synthesis of bio-nanocomposites from waste marine biomass
  • Navigating Health at Sea: Access to Health Care and Well-being supports among Canadian Seafarers
  • Re-purposing Crustacean waste for the development of a highly potent biostimulants for crop production
  • Evaluating the Durability and Life Cycle of Composite Bars in Marine Concrete Structures
  • Improving near-surface measurement resolution of the carbonate system parameters through development and integration of a solar-powered vertical profiling system into an autonomous surface vehicle
  • Losing Sight of the Shore: a pilot study to inventory informal coastal access change as an outcome of shoreline development in two key Nova Scotian municipalities
  • Novel Method and Software to Assess the Resilience of Marine Structures Against Climate Change and GHG Impacts
  • AI and video assisted methods for elasmobranch (shark and ray) conservation monitoring
  • The effects of seasonal variability on ecosystem-based management objectives: A case study of the Georges Bank Sea Scallop fishery
  • Applying data sovereignty principles in support of Indigenous leadership in ocean research
  • New microfluidic approaches for in-situ environmental DNA analysis
  • Laying the foundation: supporting Impact Assessment for OSW in Nova Scotia
  • Particle Settling During Biomass Injection into Sediment Mud for Innovative Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal
  • In situ sediment dissolution experiments of OAE feedstock on the seafloor of Halifax Harbour and the implications for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Carbon Dioxide Removal