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This project focuses on the significant challenge of social acceptability for marine aquaculture in Atlantic Canada and beyond. Researchers explore this challenge through several themes and concepts including social licence, occupation health and safety, community-aquaculture dynamics, social carrying capacity, and marine spatial planning. The research aims to contribute to the debates on marine aquaculture and its place in coastal communities in Atlantic Canada.

Research benefits

  • Advancing mechanisms to enhance global leadership in the theory and practice of societally endorsed sustainable aquaculture;
  • Anticipating and addressing occupational health and safety hazards;
  • Improving understanding of key policy areas of concern that affect social licence;
  • Understanding social carrying capacity to better predict ideal siting locations;
  • Exploring tools for adaptive and dynamic community-based marine spatial planning.


Lead Researcher(s):

Dr. Anya Waite
Dr. Anya Waite
Chief Executive Officer and Scientific Director
Dalhousie University
Tracey Woodhouse
Tracey Woodhouse
Training and Early Career Development Program Manager
Dalhousie University
Carlos Benites
Carlos Benites
Creative Communications Specialist
Dalhousie University


Dr. Boris Worm
Dr. Boris Worm
Ocean Literacy Ambassador
Dalhousie University
Dr. Jean-François Bousquet
Dr. Jean-François Bousquet
Associate Scientific Director, Transforming Climate Action Research Program
Dalhousie University


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[Demo] Social licence and planning in coastal communities
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