Elianny Dominguez Tejo
Program Developer, Ocean Biodiversity and Bioresources Research

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Elianny Dominguez Tejo

Elianny is a marine biologist focusing her career on management of coastal and marine resources. She is particularly interested in holistic planning frameworks that bring together stakeholders and help balance environmental, social and economic values.

Throughout her professional experience, she has been involved in marine planning initiatives (ecoregional planning, biological and cultural conservation planning, and multi-objectives marine zoning), which contributed to her interest in multidisciplinary approaches that consolidate knowledge and support integrated ocean management. After completing her Master’s in Development and Protection of Marine Resources, she obtained an Master’s of Business Administration to harness business skills complementary to her scientific background. After working 10+ years in marine conservation and fisheries, she went on to complete research advancing ecosystem-based approach-marine spatial planning in the Sydney Harbour as part of her PhD degree in Environmental Management.

Elianny is passionate about meaningful engagement with coastal communities, non-government organizations, industry, academia, and government in collaborative projects that help achieve sustainability goals. She is driven to understand the complexity of global marine challenges and collaborate with others to find solutions that safeguard the future of our ocean.


Elianny Dominguez Tejo