Transforming Climate Action

One of the most intensive investigations ever undertaken into the ocean's role in climate change
Launched in 2023

Research objectives

The ocean protects us against the worst impacts of climate change. But emerging science shows its ability to absorb carbon and regulate temperatures is changing in ways we don’t understand.

It’s a risk we can no longer afford to take. Dalhousie and its partners will tackle the challenge by:

Reducing international uncertainty about ocean carbon sequestration
Making Canada a global leader in the mitigation of carbon emissions
Promoting just and equitable adaptation

Meet the team

Meet some of the scholars behind one of the most intensive investigations ever undertaken into the ocean’s role in climate change.

Planned outcomes

National and international partners
Large Research and Seed Fund projects*
Postdoctoral Fellows*
* Estimated

Total funding

$397 M
Research program
$154 M
Grant from the Government of Canada
$116 M
From institutional partners cash and in-kind investments
$127 M
From private and public sector collaborators cash and in-kind investments

Research opportunities

Learn more about current and upcoming research opportunities at the Ocean Frontier Institute.

Explore opportunities

A critical next step for ocean carbon observation

Waves on the open ocean water

North Atlantic Carbon Observatory (NACO)

In addition to Transforming Climate Action, we are building support for an observatory in the North Atlantic to provide the ocean information needed to inform global climate strategies and mitigation solutions.

Learn more
This research is undertaken thanks in part to funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund.
Canada First Research Excellence Fund
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