International Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
There are no open calls at this time.
Opportunity status:
Visiting Fellowship
Open until
Open until funds are fully allocated
Expected to open winter 2025
Industry Postdoctoral Fellowship
Open until
Open until funds are fully allocated
International Postdoctoral Fellowship
Open until
Open until funds are fully allocated
Expected to open summer 2025

About the program

The International Postdoctoral Fellowship (IPDF) program offers opportunities for early career PhD-holders to conduct innovative, full time, and collaborative research in cooperation with international institutions. Supporting postdoctoral fellows in achieving international exposure through travel and collaboration, while nurturing institutional relationships, are key goals of the IPDF program.

IPDF projects have a transformative approach, with a focus on action, collaboration, and interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary research. Community-based research is encouraged. Projects are not only rooted in the discipline of the IPDF, but integrated between disciplines, considering the human aspects of the ocean-climate research. IPDF terms are typically two years. International postdoctoral fellows are co-supervised by Canadian and international researchers working on a collaborative project. Fellows travel between their co-supervisors’ institutions, within Canada and internationally, at least once per year. The IPDF participates in research life at their home institution, for example, providing presentations of their research in seminars, undergraduate lectures, and/or a public lecture during their research stay; mentoring highly qualified personnel (HQP); participating in institutional research networks and other committees, and assisting with various review processes.


IPDF projects must complement the Transforming Climate Action (TCA) scientific strategy and the research objectives of the TCA large research projects (LRPs).

Postdoctoral Fellows

Depending on the host TCA partner institution and co-funding programs (if applicable), prospective IPDF applicants may have varying eligibility requirements. In general, applicants must:

  • Have completed their PhD program and graduated no more than four to six years ago (varies by host institution), with eligible leaves (medical, parental, etc.) deducted from this time window;
  • Be highly qualified in their field;
  • Be committed to incorporating interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary perspectives and aspects into their work.

Candidates who are currently enrolled in a doctoral program may apply; however, they must complete all the requirements of their PhD (including course work and thesis submission and defense) before beginning the IPDF term.

Fellows must agree to the program goals, including international collaboration and travel, trans-disciplinarity, and pursuing professional development. 

Academic Supervisors

Researchers in academic positions who are eligible to hold funds at one of the TCA institutional partners (Dalhousie University, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Université Laval, and Memorial University of Newfoundland) and who are involved in a TCA large research project may act as an IPDF academic supervisor. Academic supervisors must agree to the funding model, IPDF program goals, and to support the postdoctoral fellow in their professional development.


International partner institutes formally connected with TCA have priority to collaborate on research projects and co-supervise IPDFs. An updated partner list will be available before the next program call. New TCA collaborators will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with supporting documentation from executive-level administration.

Prospective partners’ research and project concepts must align with TCA’s scientific strategy and have an interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary component. Partners must agree to the funding model (below), IPDF program goals, and to support the postdoctoral fellow in their professional development goals.  

Funding & duration

Duration and stipend

To increase the impact and reach of the program, TCA IPDF funding should be leveraged by international partner institutes as much as possible. Leveraging models will vary by international partner institute.

Taking into consideration home institution maximum allowable PDF salaries, the minimum IPDF annual salary may vary across TCA partner institutions. $70,000 plus fringe benefits is the target for Dalhousie University, Universite du Québec à Rimouski, and Memorial University of Newfoundland. In addition to salary, IPDFs have a minimum designated travel support budget of $10,000/year to facilitate collaborative research visits for the IPDF at co-supervising institutions.

Terms and conditions

Successful applicants should expect to begin their fellowship within one year of their offer letter.

It is expected that fellows complete at least one visit to their international partner institute per year. The travel details, including timing and duration, are flexible and to be decided between the supervising partners and IPDF; flexibility is key to successful research collaborations. Canadian and international immigration regulations must be considered.  

Fellows and their supervisors must report, annually, on their project according to the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) requirements, and must acknowledge all resulting publications that the research is supported by the Ocean Frontier Institute’s International Postdoctoral Fellowship program, thanks in part to funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund for the Transforming Climate Action research program.

IPDFs must consult their supervisors and seek approval prior to conducting travel or incurring expenses.

Application & appointment process

It is expected that calls for IPDF applications will run annually, as funding allows. The number of positions available in each call with vary and some years will have dedicated international partner positions open.

How prospective international postdoctoral fellows can prepare

  1. Review TCA research objectives and large research projects and identify a research area of interest that supports TCA work while also aligning with their expertise, interests, and experience.
  2. Contact potential TCA research supervisors at a TCA institutional partner (Dalhousie University, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Université Laval, and Memorial University of Newfoundland), stating interest in participating in the International Postdoctoral Fellowship program.
  3. Identify and contact a potential co-supervisor at one of TCA’s international partner institutes. This can be done in consultation with the potential TCA institutional partner supervisor.
  4. Work with both potential co-supervisors to prepare the research proposal and application, following the guidelines below.

Application requirements

IPDF application packages must include:

  • Standard application, including biographical questions
  • A short biography
  • A short proposal, including:  
  • Project overview
  • Host supervisor and other collaborators
  • The proposed project’s fit with and contribution to TCA science strategy
  • How interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary research will be achieved
  • Proposed timeline, including collaboration, travel and research milestones
  • Expected outcomes and outputs
  • A brief description about how the project would promote/foster equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility
  • A plan for knowledge mobilization (the flow of knowledge between individuals or group), including:
  • Knowledge synthesis
  • Knowledge users, within and outside academia
  • Data management plan
  • Dissemination, transfer and exchange of knowledge between researchers and knowledge users
  • Co-creation and co-production plans/activities
  • Specific venues or activities employed to share the research learnings and outcomes
  • Travel budget, including flight and other travel expense estimates 
  • Letter of support from host supervisor
  • Letter of support from international collaborator
  • Applicant’s two-page curriculum vitae of publications, outreach, and knowledge mobilization activities
  • Academic transcripts
  • Work sample(s) of applicant (at least one)
  • Confidential references (two) 
  • Letter from supervisor (PhD candidate only)  

Reference letters should be submitted confidentially directly by the referee.

Selection criteria

The Selection Committee will use the following criteria to assess applications:

Research excellence (highest weight)

  • Excellence in intellectual contribution of the applicant to their field of research, as assessed by scholarly contributions and/or a demonstrated capacity to shape the direction of research and thought
  • Excellence of the applicant's past and proposed research, especially the degree to which it complements TCA research

Project research excellence

  • Realizable research objectives and the feasibility of the proposed work to be pursued during the applicant’s assignment, given the resources of TCA
  • Plan for international experience and collaboration
  • A clear case for how this project enhances TCA’s research priorities, including the transformative actives and human aspects

Interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary perspective

  • Demonstrated track record of engagement across multiple disciplines, and/or
  • Proposed plans to work across disciplines during project, including how this experience will help the candidate to gain expertise in interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity.

Equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility (EDIA)

  • Proposed project’s approach to EDIA
  • Applicants’ commitment to increasing their awareness and understanding of EDIA and to incorporating EDIA principles, best practices, and human factors into their work
  • Track record of applicant in committing to and promoting EDIA in their research and practices. Note that applicants may not have experience in an academic system where EDIA is promoted; this will not count against them.

Embracing respectful engagement

The Ocean Frontier Institute and the Transforming Climate Action research program adhere to the principles of respectful engagement and balanced representation and aim to provide fair and accessible programs, with equitable access for all researchers, staff, students, and highly qualified personnel.

Contact information

For further information please contact:

Tracey Woodhouse
Training and Early Career Development Programs Manager

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