Dave Cote

Research Scientist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Dave Cote

Why are you involved on this project?

I am primarily involved with the fish (char and rock cod) telemetry work around Nain and collecting ecosystem data in the shelf waters outside the bays and fjords.

How does your work relate to Nunatsiavut?

We were asked to work on the fish species by the Nunatsiavut Government because they are important food sources to local residents.  We are working on the areas outside the bays and fjords because so little of that part of Nunatsiavut has been surveyed.  All these data will hopefully contribute to Nunatsiavut's Imappivut marine spatial planning initiative.  Our collaboration on these projects with Nunatsiavut has allowed skills transfer to local residents as well as business opportunities.

What is your favourite outdoor activity?

Whitewater kayaking

What is your favourite place in the world?

Torngat Mountains National Park.  At first because of the eye-popping scenery but later because of how much fun I have working with friends in that place.

Dave Cote