Eric Oliver

Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University


Eric Oliver

Why are you involved on this project?

Since starting my professor appointment at Dalhousie in 2017, I decided that this new position of relative power would allow me to seek out ways of working on ocean research in my home communities of Nunatsiavut that would both be of interest to me but also contribute to local interests and needs around ocean research. To that end I have been working on projects around community-based monitoring of the coastal ocean in Nunatsiavut as well as working with local knowledge holders to have their knowledge and observations heard and recorded by researchers.

How does your work related to Nunatsiavut?

I hope that this work contributes to increasing the relative power of Inuit voices in decision-making when it comes to coastal Nunatsiavut as well as elevating the level of respect my academic colleagues have for Inuit knowledge of the environment.

What is your favourite outdoor activity?

Being near water and trees, canoeing lakes and streams, exploring the woods, watching birds and animals, taking my daughter into the outdoors.

What is your favourite place in the world?

Tikkoraluk Island. It's like the centre around which the rest of the world rotates, and everything slows down while you are there. It's calming and beautiful.

Eric Oliver