Kate Ortenzi

PhD Candidate, Dalhousie University


Kate Ortenzi

Why are you involved on this project?

I'm involved in this project to learn about what it means to "decolonize science" and to ask scientific questions with policy implications.

How does your work relate to Nunatsiavut?

I map the relationships between the "benthos" or the critters that live on the bottom of the sea, to Labrador Inuit values and people's everyday lives.

What is your favourite outdoor activity?

I'm so excited to live in a cool climate again so I can get back into skiing!  Over the last few years I've gotten really into the challenge of high altitude multi-day hikes.

What is your favourite place in the world?

My favorite place in the world is New Zealand.  It has it all - from tasty snacks at farmers markets, to fresh water eels, to giant stick bugs!  What's not to love?

Kate Ortenzi