Heather Reader

Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair, Memorial University


Heather Reader

Why are you involved on this project?

Because I care about the health of coastal marine ecosystems (including people) and I want to contribute to more equitable and respectful ways of doing science. I also love the team we have built on this project!

How does your work relate to Nunatsiavut?

My work is primarily in the waters of the bays and fjords, and will hopefully help NG and the people of Nunatsiavut manage and protect their marine systems.

What is your favourite outdoor activity?

I love hiking.

What is your favourite place in the world?

Hard to pick a specific place, but I'm always happiest by the ocean!

Where are you from and where did you grow up?

I'm from western Canada, born on the west coast and grew up in Calgary.

Heather Reader